Monday, March 5, 2012

Configure SSH on Cisco IOS

Step 1: Configure a hostname
Router(config)# hostname R1

Step 2: Configure a domain name
R1(config)# ip domain-name

Step 3: Create RSA encryption key pair
R1(config)# crypto key generate rsa
The name for the keys will be: Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048
How many bits in the modulus [512]: 1024
Show Commands:
show ssh
show ip ssh

Thursday, March 1, 2012

IOS Command: term mon

Wanna monitor calls flowing through you voice gateway. try this!

R1(config)#terminal monitor
R1(config)#debug isdn q921
R1(config)#debug isdn q931

To stop monitoring
R1(config)#undebug all